In a recent conversation between Teri Takai, Senior Vice President for the Center for Digital Government and Curtis Wood, former CIO for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, they shared some new perspectives on the challenges and opportunities within the public safety space.

Wood offered a unique look into the intersection of technology and public safety, providing invaluable insights into what these organizations face every day.

Three technology challenges facing public safety leaders:

  • Adopting and Managing Technologies: Public safety organizations often struggle with the implementation and management of any new technology. Implementing a new technology often requires considerable human resources and associated costs which can hinder the adoption and effectiveness of these new tools. In addition, there is legal and back-office work that must get done with any new technology affecting public safety organizations.
  • Data Management: Handling large amounts of data is a significant challenge. Ensuring the accuracy, security and access of the data is paramount to the effectiveness of newly adopted technologies.
  • Performance Expectations: Public safety has some of the highest expectations in all of government. Any new tool today must improve situational awareness. The data analysis from these tools must be quick and provide actionable intelligence to mitigate threats, reduce response times, etc.

Wood also shared two crucial tips for partners looking to do business with public safety organizations:

  • Understand the Business Needs: Having a deep understanding of the business needs of an agency is crucial for successful technology implementation.
  • Relationship Building: It’s important to develop relationships and be a trusted partner to agency leaders.

What’s next?

Despite all the challenges, public safety agencies are ready for change. In response, Government Technology is launching a new Public Safety Initiative that will run from July-December of this year. This initiative will provide organizations with actionable guidance and resources to manage these challenges and the rapidly evolving technology landscape.

For industry partners, underwriting this program gives you an impactful way to share your point of view with public safety leaders across the country in a rapid, turnkey format.

We invite you to play a crucial and collaborative role in the future of our public safety organizations. Let us know if you’re interested in underwriting this exciting program.